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Making Room For One More…

Our Tribe's Chief, Adam, Making Nice with a Maori Warrior - Rotorua, New Zealand

Our Tribe's Chief, Adam, Making Nice with a Maori Warrior – Rotorua, New Zealand


So, it’s time to start making room for our new addition, so this weekend Natalie and I channeled our best wannabe TLC vision of the show Clean Sweep and we went through the closets in the Master Bedroom and the Guest Bedroom (soon to be the Nursery) and we pulled 10 bags of clothing for donation and set aside a few containers for the attic, and after a day and a half of work, this is what we ended up with… (see right)

All in all it was a great work effort and though we are both tired, we are both very happy with the results and it will help a ton of people in the process of making a little more space…  Next stop in the cleanup train will be the office (soon to become a guest bedroom/office)!

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