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The First Step…

Turning a dream into reality is not easy…

Anyone that tells you otherwise is choosing to ignore many of the details between the start of the venture and when it all finally comes together, or is just plain lying to make you feel better about the process.

Yes, there might be a moment of brilliant clarity when all of the pieces of the puzzle fall into place or when you have that “lightbulb above head” idea that starts all of the wheels turning. But, it still takes a lot of work to develop an idea or a dream into something tangible.

The good news is no matter how big or small the dream might be, how easy or difficult it will be to achieve, or the hours/days/weeks/months/years it may take to pull it off, there is always a beginning…

Something that starts the concept — a discussion, a vision, a realization, a word, a spark.

The First Step.

The vicious irony of it all is that so many great moments are passed by because we consciously choose not to take the first step. Allowing the moment to pass or an idea to be buried sometimes is easier than what might happen — things might not work, something could go wrong, any number of obstacles could get in the way.

In today’s world, so much of what we see and experience pulls us into that place of “not possible” that we sometimes believe there is no other way.

When the moment strikes and something new is possible…
An event shows itself on the horizon with an unknown outcome…
A choice is to be made that might alter your path, in ways you never thought it could…

Take the first step.

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