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It’s So Hard to Say Goodbye…

On August 1st, after 6 years with my current company, I said goodbye.
I have been very fortunate to work with some really great people and as many of my colleagues have done, I sent a message to those that I have worked with over the years to reflect on the time and the experience.  Here is the text of that message:

It’s not often that someone gets the chance to say that they work with exceptional people.
I’m fortunate enough to be able to say that I have had that privilege for the last six years.

On August 1st, I’ll be leaving and turning my attention to finding the ever-so-elusive balance between life, family, and work.
If it can be found, you’ll be the first to know. But, sometimes it’s more about the journey than the destination.
In the meantime, I’ve always believed that credit should be given where credit is due, so to my co-workers, colleagues, and friends…

You’ve taught me that good work and recognizing achievement go much further than demands and ultimatums.
Remember that, even when times get tough.

You’ve taught me that giving people the chance to do something good usually allows them to deliver something great.
Offer those opportunities as often as possible.

You’ve taught me that perfection is overrated.  Doing your very best is all anyone can ever ask for.
Asking for more is asking for trouble.

You’ve taught me that an intelligent, creative, and imaginative group of people can accomplish any challenge.
Continue to prove the skeptics wrong.

You’ve taught me that even when chaos ensues, there should always be time to help a colleague, when it’s truly needed.
Pay it forward, because someday, you may be the one needing the assistance.

You’ve taught me that there is always more than one way to reach the goal.
Be open to ideas and opinions, for they may become “the next big thing”.

You’ve taught me that problems do not solve themselves.
Whenever possible, be thinking of or be a part of the solution.

You’ve taught me that sharing stories in the breakroom once in a while is just as important as requesting project status.
Remember that people, not computers, accomplish most everything that happens here.

You’ve taught me that lessons learned will, in fact, save you from future pain.
Document successes, learn from mistakes, & avoid blame – Ensure that the next execution is the best to date.

You’ve taught me that there will never, ever, be enough time to do it all.
Work smarter, not harder.  Prioritize effectively and ditch busy work every chance you get.

Together, we have accomplished a number of really good things…
Keep up the great work…

Thanks for the chance to be a part of it and learn from each of you along the way.

Until we meet again,
— Darin

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