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Considering An Adoption Plan? This is Our Wish…

“My wish for you
Is that this life becomes all that you want it to
Your dreams stay big, your worries stay small
You never need to carry more than you can hold
And while you’re out there gettin’ where you’re gettin’ to
I hope you know somebody loves you
And wants the same things too
Yeah, this is my wish”
— Rascal Flatts

Dear Expectant Parents:

The words above have always been our wish for each other and our family. We would be honored to spend the rest of our lives fulfilling it for you and your child.

E34After years of infertility and the loss of our stillborn daughter, we felt called to adoption. Two years ago, we opened our hearts and home to new life and new energy with the adoption of our son RJ. Being RJ’s parents has been such a joy for both of us. We would be forever grateful for the opportunity to love, nurture, and support another child through adoption.

IMG_9406 BW-001We have been blessed with an open adoption with RJ’s birth family. It is a wonderful gift to tell RJ about his birth family: he is so kind and gracious like his birth mother, rolls his Rs when he is mad, just like his birth sister, and we’re certain his love of shrimp comes from the cravings his birth mother had during her pregnancy with him. RJ loves looking at pictures of his birth family and our visits together. We would be humbled to have the opportunity to share the same gift with your child and ask that you would consider helping us fulfill this wish.

20150918_105524(0)We want to assure you that we have taken a number of proactive steps (owning our own home, substantial life insurance, Living Trust, college savings, etc.) to ensure that our children will be provided for, now and into the future. We have and will continue to dedicate our lives to providing a loving, supportive home for our children and our promise to you is to always:

We will ….
Support him in becoming all he wants to become
Help her dream big and keep her worries small
Carry his load so he can fly
Love her forever and like her for always

For More Information, Click Here for Natalie & Darin’s Adoption Page

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