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Hypercoasters and Leis

Wattle - Valley of the Giants, Australia

Wattle – Valley of the Giants, Australia


In the last week, we have been in 5 different states…  So, I think that is a fair excuse as to why I have not posted for a while…  Natalie has spent the last week in Hawaii with her mom, visiting her sister and I spent a weekend in Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana with my cousins, Greg and Jeff sharing a weekend of coasters and baseball.  Kings Island, in Mason, Ohio was the place for us to ride on a dozen different coasters in little more than 6 hours.  (Some were experienced multiple times).  We also took in a baseball game at Great American Ballpark, home of the Cincinnati Reds.  Though they lost to the Dodgers, we had a great weekend of travel and catching up.  I also highly recommend a trip to Skyline Chili…  Good food!

As we welcome Peanut to the family, Natalie and I have already talked about the importance of being able to travel and introduce him/her to all of the wonderful places that we were fortunate enough to see and experience in our childhoods.  I look forward to putting together the must visit list to share with an infant/newborn/toddler/child as Peanut grows up.

Natalie is back home tomorrow and we will begin to decorate out the nursery…  I think that we are officially done with travel now and Natalie officially has entered trimester #3, so now the countdown begins!

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