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2012: New Year… New Journeys… What’s Yours?

“The road of life twists and turns and no two directions are ever the same. Yet our lessons come from the journey, not the destination.”
— Don Williams, Jr.


Where will The Next Journey take you in 2012?  We look forward to walking that road together in the year to come…

In the coming year, we will certainly be discussing travel, but there are so many additional journeys to undertake in so many arenas that it is fitting to start to expand from the core conversation.  The journey is about discovering, experiencing, and learning along the way no matter whether you are taking a vacation, changing jobs, moving into your first home, starting a family, or something completely personal to you.  We look forward to branching out a bit to look at how to plan whatever it is that may be on your horizon (Goalsetting, Building A Path, etc.), how to save for anything and everything you want to do/buy/see (Personal Finance, How To Make Your Money Work Harder, etc.), how to prioritize these ideas against others (It’s Much More Than Rock, Paper, Scissors) and of course, we’re always open to your suggestions, your questions, and your ideas, too!


Wishing You All A Happy, Exciting, Adventurous 2012!

— Darin & Natalie

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